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Celebrating the warrior spirit of those living with type 1 diabetes

When we divide a big challenge into smaller parts, sometimes… it’s still really hard! The Race Across America was an epic experience.

That said, it’s not just the great achievements that count. Today, I want to highlight all the little daily battles faced by those living with type 1 diabetes. Today, I want to celebrate the indomitable spirit required to live life with a chronic illness, a warrior’s spirit.

If you don’t live with type 1 diabetes, you can’t understand it in the same way as someone who has to deal with the disease and do what needs to be done, every day. Severe hypoglycemia during the night can sometimes have an impact on the whole day that follows. Type One diabetes is an invisible condition. Getting 75% of your blood glucose levels within the desired glycemic range requires a lot of hard work. But then again, it means that for a quarter of your life, you feel more or less well because your glucose levels are either too high or too low. And 75% within the range is if your control is very good!

Whether you work in a cubicle, are a professional athlete or a Sunday runner, living with type 1 diabetes takes courage and daily effort. You can be proud.

Of course, we all have our own challenges and ambitions. Their format may vary, and that’s normal. I want you to know that no matter how big or small the challenge, as long as it’s yours and makes you happy and alive, that’s admirable. And it doesn’t have to be a marathon to be extraordinary. It could be signing up for a dance class, learning to play a musical instrument or going on a trip. I hope it makes you happy.

Living with type 1 diabetes will never be easy. To be totally honest, my diabetes was the thing that slowed me down the most during the Race Across America. It’s frustrating, but at the same time I’m at peace with it. This is my journey, it’s imperfect and I hope it’s inspiring for others. No matter what happens after the first step, it’s our attitude and our efforts that should be highlighted and celebrated. You are all warriors, my friends! No need to cycle across a country.

Continue to live with type 1 diabetes as best you can. I do what I do to show that it’s possible to dream big, but I have my ups and downs like everyone else. Living with type 1 diabetes is hard, it will never be perfect, and that’s okay. Life is beautiful, keep doing what makes you happy and go for it.

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